Brookline Historical Society
Coolidge Corner Area Photos

Sewall Ave.
Looking west just before Charles St. 64 Sewall partially viewed on the right. 65 Sewall Ave. partially viewed on the left followed by #61, none still standing.
[Source: Brookline Preservation Department]
Construction of the Second Unitarian Society Parish House, Sewall Ave., circa 1901
The Society formed in 1896 and initially met in the Sears Chapel on Colchester St. They constructed this building, at today’s 50 Sewall Ave., and began holding services there in early 1902. Visible on the right is the S. S. Pierce building and, on the left in the far distance, the Etsy mansion on top of Aspinwall Hill. In 1916, the congregation moved to a new building next door at 11 Charles St.
[Source: Smithsonian]
30 Stearns Rd.
House of Alexander Stoddard Jenney
[Source: Digital Commonwealth]
30 Stearns Rd.
House of Alexander Stoddard Jenney. Rear of apartment buildings on Longwood Ave. visible on the left.
[Source: Digital Commonwealth]
Longwood Ave. Trolley, 1891
This rare photo shows the trolley traveling westward having just passed St. Paul St. on its way to Coolidge Corner. It is approaching the house of Charles Dudley at 60 Longwood Ave. Dudley, who had recently purchased the property, would soon move his house to the west and sell the expanded corner property, vacant in the photo, to Jacob Bates who constructed his house there.

This trolley line would soon be eliminated and the tracks, which only ran on the north side of Longwood Ave., removed.
[Source: Leo Sullivan]
73 Longwood Ave., 1888
St. Paul St. going south, to the right. House of Charles G. Way. No longer standing. #83 Longwood is partially visible on the left, it is still standing today as the Beech Tree Inn.
5 Longwood Ave., 1888.
Looking east on Longwood to the left. To the right is Harvard St. Home of Levi Willcutt. #11 Longwood Ave., home of William Bittenbender, is partially visible on the left.
Pleasant St. Houses
Photographed from the Thomas Sears house on the southern side of Beacon St. Looking at the James Stearns property on the north side. Foreground, right: The greenhouse and carriage house at the rear of the property. Center: Side view of the Watson Freeman house at 49 Pleasant St. Left: rear of the James Stearns house at 31 Pleasant St.
[Source: Smithsonian]
Library, Coolidge Corner Branch 1927 Building, 31 Pleasant St.,
Originally the home of James P. Stearns, a banker, it became the Coolidge Corner branch library after his death
[Source: Digital Commonwealth]
Shailer St.
Looking northeast from Centre St. All the houses in the foreground remain standing. #69 Center St. is on the left corner, #61 Center St. on the right corner.
[Source: Brookline Public Library]
1 Williams St.
Corner of Harvard St.
[Source: Brookline Preservation Department]
Williams St.
Looking east from Centre St., Harvard St. in the distance. Houses on the right at 24 and 16 Williams are still standing.
[Source: Brookline Public Library]
Williams St.
[Source: Brookline Public Library]
Wellman St., November 1915
Photo left: side view of house at 35/37 Winchester St., apartment building at 9-15 Wellman, both still standing. Photo, center rear left: 53 Centre St. (partial view), still standing, garage on the right is not. Photo, right: apartment building is still standing, house in foreground (29/31 Winchester St.) is not.
[Source: Olmsted]
Devotion School Class Photo, November 1905
Posing in front of the Edward Devotion house. School buildings are off-photo to the left and the right. Same view used on cover of "Voices of Brookline" a book by Larry Ruttman.
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