Brookline Historical Society
Aspinwall Hill

Second Aspinwall House, Aspinwall Hill, Winthrop Rd.
Dr. William Aspinwall moved here from his former house on Aspinwall Ave.. Rear view of the house on the hill looking down toward Washington St. Front of the house is on Winthrop Rd. at the corner of Gardner Rd..The house was built in 1803 by Dr. William Aspinwall and later occupied by two subsequent generations of the family. It was razed at the end of 1900.

This school was located in a small triangle of land in Coolidge Corner formed by Beacon St., the short extension of Pleasant St. running southwest of Beacon St. and Harvard St. running southeast of Beacon St. completing the triangle. It was built shortly after the 1851 extension into Brookline of Beacon St. With the widening of Beacon St. in 1887/88 the school was demolished and the new brick Cabot School was built on nearby Marion St.
Second Aspinwall House, Aspinwall Hill, Winthrop Rd.
Intersection with Gardner Rd. is just to the right. The house was built in 1803 by Dr. William Aspinwall and later occupied by two subsequent generations of the family. It was razed at the end of 1900.
Hillcrest Guest House
111 Winthrop Rd., Aspinwall Hill; circa 1927

It was Hillcrest Guest House from the early 1920s until 1943, run by Harriet W. Pray and William C. Pray. (William died in 1932).
Aspinwall Hill, Looking SW from Lancaster Terrace
In the immediate foreground is the rear of the white house at 65 Westbourne Terrace. Slant right from it, in a view not yet blocked by the erection of the Michael Driscoll School, is the rear of 747 Washington St. Behind that, slant left, is the darker house at 736 Washington St. All are still standing.

In the rear of the photo are the apartment buildings across Beacon St. that make up the Beaconsfield Terrace complex.
[Source: Iowa State]
Aspinwall Hill, Looking SSW from Corey Hill
Background: Washington, University, Winthrop streets
Foreground right: building currently housing Athan's, corner Washington & Beacon
Background center: skyline houses on Addington Rd. Large mansion to the left with the tall spire was built by Clarence Esty at 97 Addington Rd. part of a group of Esty houses that have since been replaced by Schick Park. The spire was an observation tower equipped with a high-powered telescope that enabled detailed viewing of distant scenes.
[Source: Iowa State]
Aspinwall Hill, Looking SSW from Corey Hill
Background center: Washington, University, Winthrop streets
Foreground: rear of houses of Westbourne Terrace (from right to left: 61, 57, 53, 49, 45)
[Source: Iowa State]
Colbourne Crescent Entering Rawson Rd., November 1915
121 Colbourne Crescent foreground right is still standing, Rawson in the background is not.
[Source: Olmsted]
Rawson Rd., November 1915
Looking north toward ?. Foreground, right: #175, 179, 185, all still standing.
[Source: Olmsted]
Gardner Rd., November 1915
Looking northest from Tappan St.
[Source: Olmsted]
Gardner Rd., November 1915
Looking northeast from Tappan St., #219 Garner on the left.
[Source: Olmsted]
73 Gardner Rd.
Standing on Gardner Rd. looking up at Wintrhop Rd. Replaced the William Aspinwall house. No longer standing.
[Source: Digital Commonwealth]
Tappan St. & Blake Rd., December 23, 1915
143 Tappan St. to the left is still standing.
[Source: Olmsted]