Mrs. Turner (1813-1878) lived with her husband and three surviving young children right up the street at 19 Linden St. in a house that still stands. She would suffer the loss of three of her five children. 1 1/2 year-old John died in 1846; 6-month old Grace died in 1849; and 9 year-old Kate would die in the following October, 1851.
William Barnard Bird (1842-1914), age 7, was the son of John and Elizabeth Bird who lived on the northwest corner of Cypress and Walnut, just down the road from the church and high school. Teacher Ann Bent Ware, "Miss Ware" to Adeline, was boarding there.
The family of John and Elizabeth Bird lived on the northwest corner of Cypress and Walnut, just down the road from the church and high school. He was the son of Jesse Bird who lived next door.
George Dana (1831-1915), age 19, was the son of Nathaniel Dana and Lois Walker Lord and brother to Edward Augustus Dana (previously cited on page 5) and Louisa Dana (cited on page 55) . There were two Dana houses nearby, one on Harvard Ave. and one on the southeast corner of Washington and Park, the exact location of their residence remains indeterminate.