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Diary of Mary Johanna Wild, Brookline MA, Page 20
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I paid Bakers bill. Jane & Rachel pd. me for 3m. board and I paid up Margarett Curly's bill for her service, 37'-67 to her sister Sarah.
Tues. 26th [1853]
Rec. a letter from Charly dated Newburyport, where he staid a week & came home improved
Thurs. 28th
I went to E. Bridgewater staid until Mond. Laura has a pleasant neighborhood. And they like very much.
Wednes. 3rd of August
Miss Cushing went to Great Barrington
Frid. 5th
Mr. Wood, & Susan & Em. arrived from Phil.
Rained all day. We did not go to church. Mr. Albert WoodAlbert Wood sick with a fever. I went to Hull with Sen Dr. Wednes 3d
Thurs 11th
Music in Cypress Street -- Mrs. Candler has been sick several days. I called down to see her.
Sat. 13th.
I look for Mr. Phipps. -- Charly is packing to go to Prov. Yesterday Bridget went to Hull - on Long Island. Mr. Phipps & Anna P. came late in the eve. E.A.W. took Rev'd. over to preach for Mr. Reynolds.Mr. Reynolds Very hot day. I did not go to church.
Mond. 15th August.
G.A went home to Phil. -- Poor Susan was affected with boils under her arm and could not visit much. Emma has improved most lovingly. With help I made currant jelly. Mary babe & girl came for me to go to Rye BeachRye Beach so left Brookline.
Tues. morn 16th
We staid down at Rye most two weeks. I came home for Dr. to go & see the Mary who was sick. The air or something did not agree with me. Indigestion & neuralgia took away my pleasure. Susan W. & Emma staid one week with Drs. & Henry Rhodes staid two weeks. Edward Cushing & Mr. Phipps arrived from Prov.
Mond. 29 Aug
E.J.C. anxious about his child but thank heaven the Dr. Mary the child & girl got home safety[sic] Mon. noon. Mr. Phipps went home to Bridgewater. His Emma was quite sick. E.A. Wild & Henny R. went to Prov. Mond. 29th
Tues. morn 30th
E.J. Cushing & family left for Prov.
Frid. 2d
Walter paid college bills then went to Prov. to meet Ed. -- to go down the river with him & Sullivan. Charly went to Newburyport
Sat. 3d
Miss Cushing came home
We went to church
Frid 9th
Katy King came to work and Bridget the second left for Mrs. Littelles [sic].Mrs. Littell
Got a letter from Mary C.
From Charly mentioning Mr. Albert Woods death.
Rec. a letter from S.S. Wood -- at Nahant. I have today answered Charles letter, his health improves.
Thurs Sept. 8th 1853
a few sicklesSickles on dinner table, windfalls

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The Ocean House hotel in Rye Beach, New Hampshire, expanded in 1853, was advertised in newspapers in Boston and as far away as New Orleans and St. Louis.

The ad announcing the the opening of the newly enlarged hotel is from the Boston Daily Atlas, August 6, 1853. The illustration of the hotel is from the Portsmouth Journal of Literature and Politics, August 13, 1853.

Older brother of George A. Wood

Possibly Grindall Reynolds, (1822-1894), Unitarian minister ordained in Jamaica Plain in 1848.

Mary Frazer (Smith) Littell, (1800-1873) and her family lived on Alton Place, off of Harvard Street. Littell Avenue now runs through the former Littell property.

Mary Littell
Sources: Mary Littell photo - user littell88; Littell house - Public Library of Brookline via Digital Commonwealth

Sickle pears, a variant spelling for seckel pears.