Sept 10th [1853]
R'd. a letter from Dr. Ed & Watty who are enjoying a vacation sailing to Newport -- New Bedford, Woods Hole -- "Holmes" Holes &c. absent fr. home 3 weeks. Sending me a journal of their doings like good boys. Charly boarded in Newburyport about ten days. And my 3 sons returned to the parents nest about the same time.
Sept 19th Mond
Henny Rhodes made a visit of one week.
Monday 12
Dr & I went in to see G.A.W & S.S. Wood on their way from Nahant to Phil. I went to the Horticultural Ex. also to the Mechanic fair
which closed
Tues 4th Oct.
Charles W.W. went to Prov. 4th. Charles Rhodes spent the night with me the 5th Oct. Henry spent the night on the 6th
Today 7th of Oct
Watty went to Bridgewater to bring home Laura to make a visit. Rachel paid up all her board due to -- 1st Oct. begun her school
Mond 3d Oct after a weeks sever neuralgia
Sat 8th
I finished chintz spreads out of mothers spare chamber curtains. At 6 I went to the [cars?] for L. She could not come. Watty staid till Monday night.
Rev K. preached an excellent discourse upon keeping the Sabbath
Mond. 10th
Wild & rainy, thunder & light -- early morn.
Tues 11th
I went to Boston, bought me a bay state shawl.%createPopUpLink> 8$. muslin delaine,
dress for Angelica 10 shillings
Packed trunk with clothes for the west.
Thurs. 13th
Took Katy & Ann to Rox to get a bonnet -- gave Ann 3$. Dr. has Perkins house since Tues 11th
Frid 14th
Dr. went to B. bought codfish -- mackerel -- & cooking stove -- salmon. a barrel of quinces from [Prov.?] E.A. & Watty gone to Capt. Curtis' vessel to a party. Dr. Francis engaged to Helen Shurtleff
Frid 14th.
Dr. sent Crawford Rhodes 100$
Sat. 15th Oct.
I went up to Prov. to Mary's in the morning & Dr. C.W. in the afternoon. I staid ten days and then E.J. C. & wife, Lizzy Wilson, Barnett & wife, & Mrs. Eliz. Bowen, went to see the Chrystal [sic] Palace. I staid in N. York 2 days & half. and Friday 28th
Holmes Hole is an old name for Vineyard Haven on Martha's Vineyard.
Bay State Shawls were produced at the Bay State Mills in Lawrence. "The Lawrence Bay State shawls, composed of a medium-grade American wool and woven in a simple plaid design, quickly became best sellers." (Michelle Maskiell. "Consuming Kashmir: Shawls and Empires, 1500-2000." Journal of World History, 2002
"Delaine," from the French mouselinne de laine or woolen muslin, is a combination of cotton and wool, a fine fabric that could easily be printed with detailed designs. Americans usually shortened it to delaine from the original French de laine for "of wool".
Helen (Shurtleff) Francis, (1828-1898), married Dr. Tappan Eustis Francis in 1855.
Probably Charles Crawford Rhodes, (1826-1857), son of Mary's brother Amos.
The Crystal Palace in New York was built in 1853 on 42nd Street, between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, to house the Exhibition of the Industry of All Nations. It burned in 1858. The site is now Bryant Park.