courtesy Tom Elwertowski, highstreethill.org This is the marker for the Hannah Goddard Chapter of the D.A.R. Hannah was the wife of John Goddard.
John Goddard was born in Brookline in 1730 and served as Selectman and Representative of the town to the General Court. Quoting from Harriet Woods' account:
"During the Revolutionary War, Mr. Goddard was a commissary general for the American Army in this vicinity. During the siege of Boston, Mr. Goddard was entrusted with the command of three hundred teams, which worked in darkness and by stealth in constructing the fortifications on Dorchester Heights, now South Boston. The absolute silence of the men, the promptness and efficiency with which they labored, and the success which crowned their efforts, were no doubt largely owing to the firmness, courage, and tact of the sturdy patriot in charge. When the army moved on to New York, General Washington urged Goddard to accompany them, but he declined, stating that his large family was the reason he must decline such service." John and Hannah had 16 children. |