April 14th
Planting shrubs &c. at cottage.
Miss Manchester the nurse came.
Sund. 18th
Brother Edward & son Patton dined here. Mrs. M.H. Cushing was sick all the eve. Baby son born at half past 9 o'clock. Dr. C. Wild was here and attended her. Dr. & I did a good deal of work on the cottage grounds and he returned Wed.
Sund. 25th
I went to church with E.J.C. & M. Smith [M. Smith crossed out]
Sat. May 1st
a perfect day
Sund. 2d
I went to church with E.J.C. & M. Smith
Sat. 8th
A. Angel came to put a bonnet on the front door of cottage. I paid him as pr. rest. I moved some things up there, cleaned, & put in order my closets.
Sund. 9th
Aunt Susan, Edward & Margaret gone in to the city to church. I didn't feel like it. I wanted quiet rest. Harry Cushing came out with E.J.C. George C.
was out here last week. Mary has suffered very much with canker in her breasts. Dr. Barrows advised weaning.
May 6th
Mary's birthday and she was very sick all day. Dr. C.W. returned to B. from his second visit to M. N. Prov. Wednes. 5th
Mond. 10
I did a good deal of washing & worked up to -- A. Angel finished the front door, put in some locks, & cut a place in the roof for chimney. I paid him 4'25. I covered a box with calico.
Tues. 11th
Ironed a good deal.
The nurse was called away and I took care of baby 3 nights. Mary improved nicely.
Sund. 16th
Beautiful weather. I transplanted nasturtiums for M. yesterday. Sat.
rain in the afternoon. I sleep with Mary & baby.
The mason put up the chimney at the cottage. Dull weather. I wrote to Laura & S.S. Wood
Sat. afternoon
Sunshine, a rarity. Baby had a poor night. I wrote to Dr. a few days ago.
Some things --
I gave Mike Malay & his wifes all that was due
June 1858
I left Prov for Brookline to help Dr. move & pack for N.P.
Ellen & EAW slept at their cottage 25 -- For various reasons we did not get our furniture off in the [car?] before the 15th
Daniel Jarvis Cushing was the fourth of seven children of Mary (Wild) Cushing and her husband Edward.
Harry Cushing, (1841-1902), was the son of Edward Cushing's oldest brother, George.
George Cushing, (1809-1882), Edward Cushing's oldest brother.
The writing at the bottom of the page, beginning with "Some things", was probably written in Brookline as Mary and Charles were packing things up for Charles to move to North Providence, leaving the Brookline house to Edward and Ellen.
Mike is first mentioned in October 1855 (p31) as a handyman working for the Wilds in Brookline. His wife, Ellen, came to help at the house in the summer of 1857. Mary's rendering of their last name as Malay is most likely a misspelling of something else.
Up until this time, Charles has continued to live in Brookline even after Mary moved to North Providence. This trip is to make the final move, packing things up and leaving the house to Edward and Ellen.