Emily Ripley courtesy, user Dorothy Bowmer ancestry.com
Emily Ripley (1833-1922) became a teacher in the high school. She married the Rev. James Reed, Swedenborgian minister of Boston.
Lucy Kendall
Identifcation pending.
Winter Sleigh Racing on Boston Neck
courtesy, Historic New England
....during the height of the sleighing sport on the Neck, nearly opposite the famous Decon Mansion, which is seen in the background. The Neck has, for a few years past, been turned into a perfect race-course during sleighing time; and in the after part of the day is, of a winter's time, a scene of the gayest excitement. Splendid turnouts, 2.40 horses by the score, racers passing every minute, a smash-up now and then by way of variety, and, in short, we know of nothing like it elsewhere in this country. Boston has a vast number of fast boys, fast horses, and beautiful sleighs, and here they all congregate and practise their favorite sport. Let no person suppose himself fully experienced in the characteristics of New England character, Yankee impulse, and Boston peculiarities more especially, until he has witnessed sleighing on the Neck. -Gleason's Pictorial
Mapping the lost Boston Neck courtesy, Fred Langa, langa.com
Clement Fay
Clement Fay, the five-year old who lived next door at 43 Linden St.