Streets of Brookline

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White Place, Brookline Village, circa 1885
Looking east at the Washington St. bridge, then single-sided, prior to the elevation of White Place to meet it. The work to raise the grade and the adjoining houses was completed in late 1885, the first step in the 1886 expansion of the bridge to encompass both sides of Washington St. Earlier in 1885 there were contentious town meetings on how best to integrate White Place, then a private roadway which ran underneath the bridge, into the town’s planned widening of the bridge. It was decided to first elevate White Place to meet the existing bridge and then proceed with the expansion of the bridge and Washington St.

To the right is the building known as the “Old Webber House”. Across the bridge is the brick building at 163/167 Washington St. that was eventually razed in the late 1960s to make way for the Hearthstone building. The wood building to the left of it was replaced with 171 Washington St. when the other side of Washington St. was raised. On the far right of the photo is the corner of the porch of #10 White Place, the house of Adam Halfenstein (he changed his name to Halfenstine when he emigrated). In the front of that is his tailor shop at #2 White Place.