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1874 - 1951; married Maria (last name unknown); parents: Cadwallader Curry and Mary Abby Lane; lived at 100 High St. at Cumberland.

His father was in the wool business and served as a banking commissioner in Massachusetts. His mother was a music teacher. The family moved to Europe in 1890 and Sebastian lived at various times in Switzerland, Italy, and Austria, but primarily in the town of Riederau-on-the-Ammersee, Germany, near Munich, where he was a farmer. Here is how he described his path to Riederau (in an affidavit accompanying his 1915 U.S. passport application): "Went to Europe in order to take up the study of chemistry & languages, but, on account of hard work my health broke down and, on the physicians’ advice, I went into farming in order to have my health restored. Subsequently my mother bought a farm which I have been running ever since 1906. My health has greatly improved but not yet sufficiently to permit a change of climate and surroundings. " His father died in 1918 and his mother in 1932, both in Munich. Sebastian died in 1951 in Kufstein, Austria where he is buried. He was still an American citizen. His occupation was listed on the death certificate as "farmer".