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Washington St., Before 1940
In the distant rear, on Corey Hill, two houses are viewed. Left to right:
  • 1600 Beacon St., Eben Jordan Mansion, later the Choate School, no longer standing
  • 57 York Terrace, the house high on the hill with the tall tower, still standing, the tower was removed in 1938
In the middle of the photo are the rear of the buildings on the south side of Beacon St., several are still standing including the tall apartment building at 1569-1571 Beacon St. In the foreground is the last of four gasometers built by The Brookline Gas Co. to store gas to run gas street lamps. This one was built in 1872 and demolished in 1984. By 1917, it had been converted to a succession of other uses. Here it is being used by a service station and garage. On the right is a partial view of 637 Washington St., still standing after major renovations.
incl. Streets

Image Courtesy the Brookline Preservation Department