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Hook & Ladder 1, Hose House 2, Circa 1895
The building, located across Washington St. from the public library, still exists, though no longer a firehouse. It was originally the George Stone Hook and Ladder Company. Shown is the first “Hook & Ladder #1” truck. The fire stations were named according to the equipment stationed there.

There would be some confusing juggling of equipment following this photo:
  • 1897: New “Hook & Ladder #1” truck purchased. This original “Hook & Ladder #1” is renamed to “Hook & Ladder #2” and moved to the fire house in the Village Square.
  • 1899: The new “Hook & Ladder #1” truck is moved to the new Washington Sq. firehouse
  • 1899: The older “Hook & Ladder #2” is moved back to its original location at 340 Washington St. albeit with its new name.

incl. Streets