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Brookline Village, 1885
Looking north on the east side of Washington St. are the three Colonnade buildings that still stand today. Shortly after this photo was taken there was a major regrading and widening of Washington St. and the creation of Station St. This was undertaken to increase the width of the narrow bridge over the tracks. The dirt ramp would become an extension of the bridge and this necessitated raising the nearest brick Colonnade building to its present height.

The awnings on the near corner of the Colonnade buildings are for Nelson Bros., Grocers, "dealers in fine teas and pure coffees" Also still standing today, on the west side of Washington St., are the two tallest buildings in the photo, both brick.
incl. Streets

[Courtesy of the Digital Commonwealth (CC BY-NC-ND). From the Brookline Photograph Collection published by the Public Library of Brookline]