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Brookline Village, Looking North on Washington St., circa 1865
This is one of the two earliest known photos of the Harvard Sq. area of Brookline Village. The business life of the Village was still largely centered along Lower Washington St. From left to right:
  • Carriage in front of Kenrick Brothers, stoves and furnaces
  • Carriage in front of Marshall Russell, Grocer [unconfirmed]
  • Large tree in front of the house of Benjamin Davis
  • "Panter’s Building" at the apex of Washington and Harvard streets. In 1859, John Panter acquired the former Baptist Church building, moved it forward into the apex of the two main thoroughfares, and created storefronts on the first floor.
  • Behind the "Panter’s Building" is the steeple of the newer Baptist Church on Harvard St.
  • Coming forward from the church is the "Rooney Building" which was later raised up one story to accommodate stores underneath and is still standing.
  • Foreground right is the train station. This was also the location of the telegraph office (sign visible) and the post office (washed out sign above)

incl. Streets

Lantern Slide Collection #271