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Sleighing on Beacon St., February 1901
The sleighs are part of an organized procession traveling east on Beacon St. roughly across from Powell St. In the distance on the far left is the tower of the S. S. Pierce building in Coolidge Corner. The house of the Amory family is just barely visible on “Amory Hill” on the right. Another photograph showing a procession further east by Carlton St. was featured as part of an article entitled “Noted Men and Women Behind Speedy Horses on the Beacon Boulevard” that appeared in the Feb. 17, 1901 edition of the Boston Sunday Post. The article listed a number of the prominent people involved and added details of some of the high-quality horses and sleighs involved. The photograph was taken by Thomas E. Marr, then well-known as a photographer of wealthy area residents.

Courtesy Boston Public Library Flickr Collection