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John Flint, 1886
1876 - 1911; parents:Edward Austin Flint and Lucy Whitwell Parker; lived at Carlton St., 205 Walnut St., 35 Allerton St.

John is the younger brother of Sarah and Gertrude Flint who also appear in this album. Their grandfather was a prominent physician in Boston. Their father was a second lieutenant in the civil war with the First Massachusetts Cavalry, was a major when he mustered out. He was a civil engineer who worked on projects around the world (both John and Sarah were born in Peru) and he died of pneumonia in 1886 when his children were young. John graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1903 and also died early, of pneumonia, in 1911.

Prior to 1886, Edward Austin Flint and Lucy Whitwell Parker, their four children, Lucy's mother, and two of Lucy's siblings lived together on Carlton St. In 1886, Edward Flint died suddenly, of pneumonia. The oldest Flint child, William P., was starting at M.I.T., the three youngest are pictured in this album. The family moved to 205 Walnut St. and lived there from approximately 1886 to 1892. (The city directories of 1880s Brookline often listed addresses without house numbers. We are choosing 205 Walnut St. as the most likely location for "Walnut St. nearly opposite Walnut Place").
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