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Margaret ("May") Winsor, 1886
1877 - 1960 ; parents: Alfred Winsor and Linda Kennard; married, 1903, Charles Collins (1873-1956) (at some point the family name was changed to Collens); lived on Walnut St. between Cypress and Walnut Place.

Her father, a Civil War veteran, was the president of the Boston Towboat Company and the Boston & Philadelphia Steamship Company. Her maternal grandfather, Martin P. Kennard, was a jeweler, customs house collector, and sub treasurer of the United States in Boston. His home at 25 Kennard Street is now the Brookline Music School. Margaret’s husband was a prominent architect with the firms Allen & Collens and Allen, Pelton & Collens. Among their designs were the Cloisters and the Riverside Church in New York, the Lindsey Chapel of Emmanuel Church in the Back Bay, and the Newton Town Hall and War Memorial.
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