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Amelia Peabody Tileston, 1886
1872 - 1920; never married; parents: John Boies Tileston and Mary Wilder Foote; May 1885 to January 1889 lived on Harvey St., corner of Walnut.

Born in Dorchester, she later moved to Brookline and attended "Miss Baker’s" school. She studied nursing and worked in her life, apparently tirelessly, to aid people who were suffering. She traveled the world to this end and, in 1916, she returned from Europe to her mother’s house at 45 Allerton St., consumed by wanting to aid the beleaguered Serbian refugees from WWI. She went to Serbia and worked for the Red Cross but died there, of pneumonia. Her work is detailed in the book " Amelia Peabody Tileston and her canteens for the Serbs". Her older brother, Roger, also appears in this album.
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